Friday, September 10, 2010

Fashion or Not, Here We Come

I mid August, the new buzz around celebrity Beyonce was her most recent legal battle with an over sea's fashion label over the designs to a pair of leggings. Yes. Leggings. The alternative to tights, and to some, the alternative to pants...
It Hits Hollywood
Now, don't get me wrong. I thoroughly frown upon Beyonce' acting in the stealing of the design, or idea, of this garmet of clothing, however I think we have bigger issues to address here. LEGGINGS.
Within the last five years, we as a society have seen an influx of unimaginable proportions in the popularity of leggings. And it is by far one of the more questionable fashion trends that has seemed to take off in recent years.
The idea of leggings are just fine. An alternative to, as I said, tights. But at some point, somewhere, someone decided that they were to become more than that. More than a tight.
The trend is almost inescapable in public, especially with the changing weather from summer to fall. It's almost as if an 80's step class has let out in the hallways of schools, not just k-12 but in universities, colleges, and other public areas.
I for one, am not a fan.
I for one, say FASHION FAIL!!!
It might be because I always get a bit too much to see of a person I'm not interested in seeing, but in all honesty I am left wondering if you've accidentally forgotten to put on your pants this morning over your long underwear.
Yesterday, a friend of mine, we'll call her Sofia, commented on how she very much needed to find a pair of Jeggings. I was perplexed, and confused as to what this new trend was and how I'd missed it. After which I was left utterly upset to find that I had not at all missed this trend, I had just never known what to call it.
Jeggings. The new alternative to not just pants, but jeans.
Jean Leggings. Stretch pants that look like jeans. Some, Sophia pointed out in an attempt to persuade me, even have zippers and pockets.
I am not impressed.
But as silly as that sounds, they come in any style or color imaginable, with any feature short of the Bat Belt available (ok, I'm kidding, but seriously? who needs zipper that doesn't open?)
I can go get intricately deigned ones, bright neon colors, ones that look like they're painted on, the for mentioned jeggings, ad even ones that look like they got caught in barbed wire and are full of rips, run,s and tares.
Leggings, stretch pants, call them what you'd like, but I haven't found them to be acceptable attire since grade school. Yes, I may have rocked a pair of pink or green ones back then, but come now people, we need to move on.
Perhaps my dislike has also stemmed from a place of resentment. I myself am a curvy woman, especially in the hip and butt region. This is why I do not, nor should I, follow this trend. As a girl who is larger on the bottom, leggings just hug all the wrong places, and accentuate all the places I never want people to look. Unfortunately, I can't say that everyone is like myself in having the ability to admit that perhaps leggings are not, and should not, be for them.
If only we could all have legs like this!
And maybe, I might be a little jealous all the same. Jealous of the skinny mini girls who can walk around in leggings and make me shoot daggers at them for having legs that go on for days while I sit in my boot cut jeans...because they're supposed to be more fitting for my figure.

Ok, so there may be a few petty reasons behind my dislike of the legging fad. But that doesn't mean I don't have a few solid points. You just can't trust any fashion craze these days!