Monday, November 29, 2010

Yes Kesha, Please. Take It Off.

I would like to take the tie today to speak on behalf of poor poor Kesha.
Time and time again Lady GaGa rolls onto the Red Carpet in extreme out fit after extreme outfit. She turns up on magazine covers in bikini's made of meat, and she rocks mirror covered dresses at her concerts. The world is a buzz with GaGa's fashion faux pas, whole poor Kesha is overlooked and underappreciated for her fashion flare....NOOOOT
Honestly? It's bad enough that we have to deal with the crazy antics that Lady GaGa brings us with every appearance she makes. Must we really deal with yea another annoying teen pop star with too much money and bad taste?
CD Cover for Animal
Since Kesha splashed onto the scene with her "hit album" Animal, which dropped in January of 2010 she's been vying for the attention from americans across the country. Song after song I hear this girl with "hits" (I keep putting HITS into quotations why? because I don't think it's the you's and me's of this world would vote and have THAT on the radio 24/7. I have a higher opinion of humanity than that...and god I hope I'm right.
What a Knock Out on the Red Carpet.
Not like it's a formal event or anything...
Kesha's been acting out ever since. Her appearance on the Red Carpet is littler more than a drunk high schooler who forgot her pants. I'm not sure what the statement is that she's making with her no pantsness...but I can't honestly say she knows what statement she;s trying to make with her lack of ants either. I guess we're at a stand still.

Unfortunatly, Lady GaGa has been all up in and over the press lately. Stirring the pot you could say. Walkin around all weird lookin. Makin poor little Kesah jealous. And you know what the best retaliation is when your misuc rival walks around looking ridiculous and embarassing themselves with their lack of fashion sense as well as COMMON SENSE? Weeeeell, it MUST be to do the same!!! At least this was the impression poor Kesha was under, because this is the outfit she adorned at the American Music Awards. Pooor Pooor Kesha. Can you believe that they just let their honored guests walk around out ther in Hollywood getting attacked by mountain lions, or leapards, or whatever? I mean COME ONE PEOPLE. Lets start protecting our own! Poor Kesha's out there trying to do epic fashion battler with Dark Lord GaGa and we're letting her get mauled by big cats!! And they ruined her outfit. GAH! Bastards...Kesha isn't the only one who seemed to loose their marbles at the AMA's either. It seems a lot of stars showed up with with fashion statements that seemed to fall on deaf ears. Check out more FASHION FAILS HERE

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